above angles architectural-elements architecture bricks brickwork building chimneys city Colonial color colored colors colour coloured colours dark decorated decorative design designed distinctive exterior external features height heritage high historic light patterns perspectives shade shadows shape shapes stonework style sunlight sunshine traditional walls windows Australia authentic buildings chimney chimney-stacks corrugated corrugated-iron corrugated-roofing heights old placement protection roof rooftop rural sepia surface surfaces surfacing texture textured textures trees appearance architectural barriers doors elements escape exit fire-escape historical history masonry multi-level plain platforms railing rails safe safety solid stairs steps wood wooden cottage country dormer dormer-window fancy green greenery house park roofing rough stones tiled tiles chinese Chinese architecture curved curves garden ornamental ornamentation points shrubs slope Somber sombre trimmed appearances colorful colourful contemporary contrast contrasting Designs facade frontage glass linear lines modern Perth posts quality reflect reflected reflections rooves structures supports veranda verandah Victorian abstract backdrop background border construction element fence frame framework gardening geometric grain graphic grunge hi-res illustration image lattice mesh natural New panel pattern pine plank retro row space striped structure timber trellis vector wall architectural contrast architectural elements box-like combined detailed even façade level straight up and down styles variation

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1 0 grade account_circle upward angles3
0 0 grade account_circle upward angles2
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2 0 grade account_circle historic park building2
4 0 grade account_circle historic park building1
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0 0 grade account_circle architectural coloring3
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